Sat, Nov 04, 1989 11:32:56 AM This shar contains the file M.SDA. This file MUST be run on a Commodore 64; it is a self dissolving archive. This means that you need to find a method of getting the file from this un*x system to to your C-64 (or C-128 in C-64 mode). I recommend kermit as this is generally available but xmodem or any other file transfer protocol that you have on both systems should work. NOTE: the file type on the C-64 MUST be "P" (program) and not "S" (sequential). Kermit users should see the file m.kermit.notes for some helpful hints on transferring files that way. Once the file M.SDA is on your C-64, simply load and run it with a disk in drive 8. It will present a greeting screen and will dissolve itself into the component files. The greeting screen will tell you what to do from there. The M program (not at all related to the M composing tool on the Mac - I forgot about it when selecting the title) is a tool for the ensoniq Mirage sampler. It allows you to display program, envelope, and wavesample parameters as well as graphically display wavesample memory (one page at a time). I find it useful as a looping tool and for editing since I can see the parameters for all four programs at a glance. This program will work equally well with the Passport Designs or Sequential Circuits types of MIDI interfaces. The program automatically determines the interface type. Included in the SDA file is documentation as well as a program for printing it out. This should answer any questions. This program is free. This means you can use it as much as you like and you can give it out to your friends (or enemies if you don't like it). All I ask is that you give it out with the documentation that is included. Giving out the SDA is the best and easiest way to do that (or the shar file if on a un*x system). I can be reached at the following: CompuServe 75036,1351 Internet I'm interested in knowing what you think. I've considered making other interesting utilities available based on the feedback I get. -Johnny Klonaris San Jose, Ca