Unfinished Dreams: Liner Notes
These liner notes, including the lyrics were ported from FinalWriter on the Amiga to
this web page. The notes were created on an Amiga 500 running FinalCopy and sent to
the manufacturer, but only used as a basis. What you see here is very close to what is on
the album, but not exact.
All lyrics and liner notes are copyrighted: © 1995 Johnny Klonaris
Lyrics, page one
Lyrics, page two
Lyrics, page three
Liner notes
For a Loner
Coming Home
Caught myself a plane in New Mexico
Coming Home
Two thousand miles and four long months
Is it different now
That I'm home?
Now that I'm home
I'm home
The sound of your voice
Reassures me
Makes me want to forget
All of things that have gone before
But the things that you do,
The questions you ask,
And that look in your eyes
Betray you
Tell me why
In your smile
Something's missing
Is it me
Is it you?
Thoughts of you
Float in the night
Confusing my mind
As to what is right
Tell me why
In your smile
Something's missing
Is it me
Is it him?
The sound of your voice
Reassures me
Makes me want to forget
All of the things that have gone before
But the things that you do,
The questions you ask,
And that look in your eyes
Betray you
All alone
Nature of the Intention, Part 1
A word,
Whose meaning is lost
A look that's seen
As more than it is
A thread of a thought
That slips through its mind
A cloud that's the nature
Of all we can't see
We cannot see
Waiting on the shore
For the wave to break
And go on
Listening to the wind
Blow across the trees
When I'm home
All these things I can see
When you're in my arms
And close to me
I will wait for you
If you want me to
But remember
That it's hard to know
When go, on my own
Waiting for the leaves
To give up the trees
And let go
Watching for the sign
That the sun is here
To melt the snow
All these things I can see
When you're in my arms
And close to me
Shades of Gray
Against the black of night
Lie the points of white
Then the light of day
Leads the night away
But when the clouds roll by
And chase away the sky
We see the shades of gray
Here I stand alive
Faced towards the day I die
I rise with the sun
Fall asleep when day is done
Until the dreams roll by
And force me to again ask Why
But now I think I see
A reason why
I long to see the world
As nothing more than black or white
I remember now the days of my youth when I had
Eyes that looked out and saw everything as good or bad
But now I look for someone who can find a way
To take away the gray
I look in the mirror and see my end
I look inside and see my friend
We talk for hours
Night and day
And together
We've found a way
To turn away from the gray
Piano Interlude
Nola's Untitled Tune
So much for broken promises
I seem to have a knack for finding
More than my share
Too much placed in rusted confidences
Someone always tries to pull too hard
'Till something snaps
I'm thinking about that time
I was driving you home,
Driving through the rain
I'm thinking about that rain
When I think of rain
I think of you
Of playing hard to get
Everybody seems to think
I'm cold
And I really don't care
I quit showing just how I feel
All I ever really seem to do
Is scare people away
I'm seeing you and me
Out having fun
Dinner and wine
I'm thinking about that wine
When I drink that wine
I'll think of you
What Could it Be
Why did I turn away
I don't really know
I just didn't know what to say
So I just said no
I could see the
Feelings in your eyes
No, I was not blind
I didn't want to see you cry
I didn't mean to be unkind
Could it be
We just were not for each other
Afraid to share the love we held inside
Never destined to have one another
Or could it be,
I'm sorry
Why did I turn from you
I don't really know
I just didn't know what to do
So I let you go
I just couldn't cope with
Those feelings that you shared with me
The pain that they might have caused us
Was all that I could see
Could it be
We just were not for each other
Afraid to share the love we held inside
Never destined to have one another
Or could it be
That maybe, just maybe
I'm sorry
Stay if You Care
It's hard when it's easy
With all the comforts of home
There's an urge there to sight-see
To take that big chance and roam
Your meals all served on a platter
All the lovin' you could stand doesn't matter
I understand when you tell me,
You need some time alone
Sleep all day
Sleep all night if you like
Have your way
And take the leisure of life
But you had to see what it was like outside
Take a shot at flyin' it too high
But trust me babe,
I'll never tell you a lie
Stay if you care
You know that you can do as you please
Leave if you dare
Chasing after leaves on the breeze
He seemed so nice
His voice and manner were cool
Dressed in white
There wasn't much you could do
You know you could have turned and run
But you had to stay and look for more fun
He trapped you babe
And made you look like a fool
Stay if you care
You know that you can do as you please
Leave if you dare
Chasing after leaves in the breeze
No way out
You were locked in a cage
You joined that crowd
That were fooled the same way
I'd trade a small fortune
To keep that look in your eyes
That moment I found you
You knew you'd paid the price
Now you're gettin' up from that fall
Ah, the good life ain't so bad after all
Like I told you baby
I'll never tell you a lie
(First verse repeats)
Morning Girl
The sun comes up and I see
Your smiling face today
And I know that smile
Is gonna make me feel
That very special way
I don't know how you do it
Must be something
That you get from the rays
When the sun comes up
And I see your face
All that I will ever need to see
Is you, my morning girl
The morning sun seems much brighter
When it gets to smile with you
And I never knew that "good morning"
Could ever sound so sweet,
Or be so true
I'm amazed how you do it
Smile when I can barely open my eyes
And see the morning sun
Still shines for you
All that I will ever need to hold
Is you, my morning girl
The sun comes up and I see
Your smiling face again
And I know that smile
Is gonna show me morning
Like it has never been
I don't care how you do it
All I know is I wait every day
For when the sun comes up and
I see your face
All that I will ever need to see
All that I will ever need to hold
All that I will ever need to know
Is you, my morning girl
I lean back
And watch the sighing leaves
As the breeze
Flows between my mind
And my windy thoughts
Are turned to you
Somehow I knew
You wouldn't always be here
Two in the morning
Nothing to do
Lying here alone
Playing my guitar for you
But you're not here
As I play your song
You can't hear
What I've waited so long
To say to you
That I've tried to form
In my mind
At night
And words
That I've tried to say
Haunt my mind
At night
Two in the morning
Nothing to do
Lying here alone
Playing my guitar for you
But you're not here
As I play your song
You can't hear
What I've waited so long
To say to you
All of these feelings
That I have kept inside
While you could see right through
I need you much more
Than I could ever say
I need - I need you
You are happy
As it should be for you
And somehow I knew
It wouldn't be with me
Nature of the Intention, Part 2
Talking all night long
Trying to say what's on our minds
Wondering if we heard
Just what we said
Or what we meant
What did I say
What did you hear
What is the source
Is it love?
Or is it fear?
I just don't know
I turn my head
to look in your eyes to see what you meant
Do you look back at me
To see if my look means
I heard what you said?
What do I see
Is it real
Or in my mind?
Does the cloud that slips between
Hide what we hope to find
I cannot know
Working on a thought
Trying to know
Why I did what I did
But the further I look
The more that I see
And the more that there is
Why do I ask
What did I mean?
Does the cloud obscure a thread
In the mind that remains unseen?
We cannot know
Evil Tempered
In a moment of light
We were free
The story is known, but forgotten
It's the nature of moments
That they flee
We don't even know where they've gotten
In a moment the darkness
Will be near
The torches are lit, but they smother
It's in the nature of darkness
To bring fear
And fear of the light is it's mother
In a movement to light
We will see
The spirits of truth and of freedom
While it's the nature of spirits to be free
It's the nature of fear to defeat them
Unfinished Dreams
All songs © 1995 Johnny Klonaris
This recording © 1995 Johnny Klonaris
These songs have been composed over the last several years, from about
1977 through the end of 1992. The music on the disc was recorded over the
last two years in my home. I played what I could and got the computer to
play what I couldn't. All of the guitar, acoustic piano and vocal work was
performed by me. On all of the other tracks, you get to guess.
I let the computer compose, in a sense, on the drone portion of Evil Tempered;
it was played by a C-128 computer running a BASIC program that I wrote.
Evil Tempered is also different from the other songs in that it uses a
different tuning (or temperament). The notes are not evenly spaced like
they are in most western music; the scale I used is based directly on the
overtones of the fundamental up through the 25th harmonic. I doubt this
is new, but I've never seen a scale quite like this - probably for good reason.
I also played a bit with the tuning of the guitars. On the 12-string especially,
I used a kind of stretch tuning and where more than one guitar was involved,
I intentionally detuned them to give a form of natural chorusing.
For those of you who might be interested, I've used the following tools in
creating this album:
Ensoniq VFX synthesizer, Mirage sampler and DP/4 effects unit; Alesis 1622
mixing board, SR-16 drum machine, MEQ-230 30 band EQ, Monitor 1 studio monitors
and RA-100 amplifier; Roland MT-32 synthesizer module; Commodore Amiga 500
and C-128 computers (believe it); Blue Ribbon Soundworks Bars and Pipes
Pro composing/sequencing software for the Amiga; Audio-technica ATM-31 and
AT-802 microphones; Peavey PVM-580TN microphone; Tascam TSR-8 multitrack
recorder and DA-30 DAT recorder; Yamaha REX-50 effects unit, DD-5 drum pad
and G-10 classical guitar; Numark 10 band EQ; Ibanez AD 202 analog delay
and bass guitar, El Degas 12-string guitar, Ovation 6-string guitar, IC (cheap
copy) Les Paul style electic guitar with homebrew electronics, a few things
I cobbled up, a few things I'm too embarrased to mention, and vox humana.
All of the music on this disc was created by one person. However, not
without some help.
I want to thank all the folks who tolerated my going on about this thing
(it has been my life for the last two years) and for all the listening and
helpful comments. I especially want to thank Dale, Dan (OK, you were right),
John (so were you), Todd, Frances, Mark, Mark, Steve, Chuck and Kevin. It's
been hard being objective and all of the comments have been considered and
Of course I also want to thank my Mom and Dad for the obvious and not
so obvious.
I'd like to give a hearty thanks to Jerry Dorsch for his 12-string magic:
you saved my baby, thanks!
I need to give a very special thanks to Dale Holod for all of his help
and particularly for the incredible artwork he did for the cover.
Thank-you my friend, your art has been a
source of inspiration for me through the home stretch.
I've had a pretty amazing time doing this and frankly I'm more than a
little surprised that I actually finished. I suppose that doing pretty much
everything myself seems a bit self-indulgent, and I guess it is, but it
was fun and I learned a lot. I can't generally beat that.
This is album is different from other albums in at least one other way;
I'm offering it to you directly from me. I'll make this compact disc available
through the end of the twentieth century for ten, nearly worthless, US dollars.
Send said specie to:
Catharsis Records West
P.O. Box 361203
Milpitas, Ca 95035-1203
Note: P.O. Box is no longer available: try
along with your address. For every ten of those dollars you send me,
I'll send you one of these discs. No postage, no handling: money for music,
plain and simple. If you want a lot of them, hey we can work something out;
drop me a line.
If you'd like to be on a mailing list for things related to this album,
send your address to me at the above P.O. box
or, for those of you on the bit plane, you can catch me at jawknee@webcom.com
I've got a couple of things
in mind for the future if you're interested. Also, we're thinking of making
a frameable poster of the cover art available. Let me know if you're interested
- we'll keep the price as reasonable as we can and we'll let you know when
and they're available. I promise I won't give out your name.
Finally, some more thanks to Mark Burton at the Blue Ribbon Soundworks,
Howard Wooten for those great MT-32 patch collections, Ensoniq and Alesis
for their great toys (not bad for a couple of pre-teens), Mike Fischer of
Discmakers and of course, you the listener.
San Jose, California
October, 1994
Johnny Klonaris (Jaw-knee Clone-heiress) was born in Battle
Creek, Michigan, January 24, 1956. Raised in Belleville, Michigan, and having
attended the University of Michigan, he headed to California for four years
as a lieutenant in the world's greatest air force. Since then it's been
bits for money and money for toys.
Since it wasn't recorded in a commercial studio it sounds different from
a commercial recording. I like to think that this can be a plus. However,
you get to judge for yourself.

Photo by Dale Holod
Last updated: 18 June, 2000, -jk
© 1996 Johnny Klonaris
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