Eyes Like Hers
Eyes Like Hers
I recently ran across this song from February 1998. I had a “jerky” copy pulled from probably the first CD I ever made (on my Amiga computer). Last Friday (26th) I decided to see if I could resurrect the original tracks from the 8-track reel-to-reel, in part to see if I could to it. The first tape transfer did not go well - lots of wow and flutter and slow pitch, but luckily this tape transferred OK. Tonight (29th), after baking the tape at 140° F for 24 hours and cleaning and demagnetizing the heads, I got a much better transfer - some actual high frequencies and up to pitch.
These are the 7 audio tracks from then. The drums, bass, and middle synthesizer solo are awaiting my success at getting my Amiga A500 talk to the hard drive I think the tracks are on. Wish me luck: SCSI is magic. (I did manage to get the Zip drive to work, but no backups “new” enough to include this tune. I was probably on the Amiga A4000T by this point. It’s dead, but it’s disk drive may yet live on.)
In the mean time, here are the 2 strummed twelve strings and a couple of tracks of my homemade, stereo “strat” sketching out a song about meeting a woman at a friends’ party.
I think it’s safe to say that all who knew “Dupes”, miss her.
Aug 27, 2011
Eyes Like Hers
Seven audio tracks, transcribed, along with a SMPTE sync track, from 1/2” 8 track reel to reel tape. Yup, it did and does exist.